“Eu e você contra o mundo”, diz mulher de Nunes após polêmica sobre BO


São Paulo – Depois da Secretaria de Segurança Pública (SSP) confirmar um boletim de ocorrência feito contra o prefeito da capital Ricardo Nunes (MDB) por sua esposa, Regina Carnovale Nunes, a primeira-dama usou as redes sociais para compartilhar fotos do casal.

No Instagram, Regina postou nesta quarta-feira (17/7) imagens dela ao lado de Nunes ao som da música “Daqui pra sempre”, de Manu Bahtidão e Simone Mendes, que contém no refrão a frase “eu e você contra o mundo” [veja abaixo].

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“Celebrating 27 years of marriage filled with love, respect, and companionship. I love you, husband”, Regina wrote in the post, which was also shared by Nunes on social media.

In February 2011, Regina went to a Women’s Police Station to file a police report against Nunes for threats. The issue came back to the news on Monday (7/15) when the mayor was asked about the incident in an interview with UOL/Folha.

Nunes complained that the issue was raised in the interview and claimed that the document had been fabricated. “Regina has already stated that she didn’t file [the report]. She hired a lawyer, who submitted a petition requesting this signed police report. The response from the police station stated that there is no such police report,” the mayor said during the interview.

“The report is not there, it was put into the system. This hurts me,” Nunes said. “It’s obvious that it’s forged,” he added.

However, the next day, both the Civil Police and the Public Security Secretariat of São Paulo confirmed to Metrópoles the authenticity of the document.

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